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heritage and history.
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Members receive DHS Swag, discounted Dublin History merchandise, invitation to Family events with DHS, our 40th Anniversary Celebration, and our Quarterly Speaker Series, and special event discounts. Fees are automatically renewed annually.
Make a Donation
Whether you make a one-time gift or a choose to give monthly, we appreciate your support.
Dublin Historical Society is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations and memberships are tax-deductible.
You may also send checks and membership forms to Dublin Historical Society, 712 Regional Street, Box 316, Dublin, CA 94568.
Meet Our Sponsors
The history of Dublin is also the history of its citizens, businesses, and organizations. Please join or support these fine Sponsors of our mission.
If you’d like to connect with Dublin Historical Society's vibrant community, contact us to get your name and logo listed!